2020. Where to even begin talking about the year that was 2020? It was hard on us here at Video CULTure. It forced us to learn on the fly how to do our show while being miles apart. It threw a big ol’ monkey wrench in our plans to start having guests on the show to talk movies with us. It also gave us the awkwardness of having a film review article series titled “At The Movies” begin during a time when you couldn’t actually go to the movies.
Those are really frivolous problems all told though. We have been more than blessed to keep the show going through all these “uncertain times” and we‘ve grown this website in ways that I am extremely proud of.
So with that being said, enough about the trash fire that was 2020, what’s in store for Video CULTure in 2021?
- The podcast will enter its 3rd season with a lineup of films based heavily on what feedback and stats have shown us that you, our listeners, enjoy hearing about. The show will resume a bi-weekly schedule on Tuesday, January 12th.
- Even more written articles about film are on the way. The written pieces were our biggest commitment in 2020 and the response was better than we could have hoped for. So there will be more of that in the coming year. This includes fresh voices along with our regular contributors.
- Possibly new shows. Yep, Ryan and I have been tossing ideas around about possible secondary podcasts to go along with what we already do here at Video CULTure. We can’t talk about details just yet but sometime in the new year, you’ll see more audio content here besides just the flagship show.
We are so grateful to all of you that have come along with us on this journey the past two years and we hope that what we have in store for you in 2021 brings you as much joy as it does us. Thank you all and here’s to a better, brighter new year!
“Go watch some movies!“